Our Mission

St Mary’s Church has been a landmark of the village for more than 150 years. Plans are underway to refurbish the building as a more welcoming place of worship and to meet the wider needs of the community.


  • A community meeting place for all ages
    A place to come and meet other people, at regular times in a comfortable setting – with an internet café provided.

  • A greater range of activities for the village
    Space is in demand for activities everywhere in Wheatley. We hope to provide a greater range of options locally – in a warm, light and comfortable space.

  • The biggest performance space in Wheatley
    A flexible performance space for concerts and exhibitions, a space that is suitable for any village production.

  • A place to spend time in quiet reflection.

  • A place for future generations.


Why volunteer?

" Volunteering isn’t just a matter of giving up your time. It’s a way of connecting with different people right across the community. Pooling all our different talents, meeting, chatting, making friends. Teamwork brings its own rewards – but it’s also a lot of fun."

— Peter, Volunteer



  • Making the space more flexible, so that it can be used for a wider range of activities from clubs and classes to concerts, choirs and creativity by the whole community.

  • Improving the heating and lighting in order to make a more comfortable space at lower cost and to ensure that we have as low a carbon footprint as possible.

  • Improving kitchen and toilet facilities, providing space for an internet cafe.

  • Creating a meeting room within the tower.

  • Providing a quiet room for contemplation and solace.



We chose Brocklehurst Architects for St Mary’s Revival Project because Matthew Maier, the principal Chartered Architect, has a good understanding of architectural history in England and conservation principles. You can see their architectural drawings below.


Our Patrons


The Rt Hon. Theresa May MP

I am delighted to offer my whole hearted support for the Revival Project at St Mary’s Church, Wheatley.

St Mary’s has been a landmark of the village for more than 150 years. Baptisms, funerals and weddings, carol services and services of remembrance are among the many reasons why St Mary’s is a place for memories and celebrations.

The Revival Project aims to ensure that the Church remains a vibrant centre of village life for many years to come. Along with major improvements to heating and lighting, the project aims to create a flexible space for a wide range of community activities, but it will still remain a place for worship and for solace.

When Edward Elton built St Mary’s Church in 1857, his aim was to transform the village into a thriving community. This project is part of that ongoing task. I very much hope that you and your families are able in turn to offer your support.

Bishop Helen-Ann Hartley


It is my great honour and delight to be patron for this important and exciting project at St Mary’s in Wheatley. This is the place where I began my public ministry in the Church of England, and certainly I have travelled a few miles since then! In my present role, I can see the immense challenges and opportunities that churches face, not least in the care required to upkeep buildings, and keep the wheels of mission and ministry turning.

To do that, churches and their communities need to be creative, flexible, innovative and open to that word that many dread: ‘change’! This project has the Gospel at its heart: the desire to proclaim to each and every person that the Kingdom of God is near, and not just that, but that God’s Kingdom is breaking in to the places where we are; so let’s do all that we can to help that to happen.

I am excited by all that can be achieved, and even more so by what God is doing through it.